
中心を 000にして  (Vector((0, -30, 0)) - initial_location) 失敗

、中心が(0, -30, 0)にある円周上に36個の球体を作成し、それらを中心点に向かって移動させるものです。

このスクリプトを実行すると、中心が(0, -30, 0)にある円周上に36個の球体が作成され、それらが中心点に向かって移動します。移動に使用される速度は、距離に比例して調整されています。また、アニメーションのフレーム数は100に設定されていますが、必要に応じて変更することができます。

y=-30の xy平面の円周のママ

import bpy

import math

from mathutils import Vector

# Set sphere radius and segments

sphere_radius = 1

sphere_segments = 32

# Set the number of spheres to create

num_spheres = 36

# Set the radius of the circle and the height of the center point

circle_radius = 30

center_height = -30

# Calculate the angle between each sphere

angle_between_spheres = math.radians(360 / num_spheres)

# Create sphere objects and set locations

for i in range(num_spheres):

    # Calculate the location of the sphere on the circle

    x = circle_radius * math.cos(angle_between_spheres * i)

    y = center_height

    z = circle_radius * math.sin(angle_between_spheres * i)

    location = Vector((x, y, z))


    # Create a sphere and set its location

    bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_uv_sphere_add(radius=sphere_radius, segments=sphere_segments)

    sphere = bpy.context.object

    sphere.location = location

    sphere.name = f"Sphere_{i}"


    # Set animation keyframes

    last_frame = 100

    for frame in range(last_frame+1):

        distance = (location - Vector((0, center_height, 0))).length

        if distance > 0.01:

            direction = (Vector((0, center_height, 0)) - location).normalized()

            sphere.location += direction * min(0.1 * distance, 1.0)

            sphere.keyframe_insert(data_path="location", frame=frame)

-60円周から -30 収束 y軸になったもの


import bpy

import math

from mathutils import Vector

# Set initial locations

initial_locations = []

for i in range(0, 360, 10):

    x = 30 * math.cos(math.radians(i))

    y = -30

    z = 30 * math.sin(math.radians(i))

    initial_locations.append(Vector((x, y, z)) + Vector((0, -30, 0))) # 中心を変更

# Set sphere radius and segments

sphere_radius = 1

sphere_segments = 32

# Calculate speeds based on initial distances from target

chousei_kijyun = 30

distances = [loc.length for loc in initial_locations]

speeds = [0.1 * (chousei_kijyun / distance) if distance > 0 else 0 for distance in distances]

# Create sphere objects and set locations

for i, initial_location in enumerate(initial_locations):

    bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_uv_sphere_add(radius=sphere_radius, segments=sphere_segments)

    sphere = bpy.context.object

    sphere.location = initial_location

    sphere.name = f"Sphere_{i}"


    # Set animation keyframes

    last_frame = 1000

    for frame in range(last_frame+1):

        distance = (initial_location - Vector((0, -30, 0))).length

        if distance > 0.01:

            direction = (Vector((0, -30, 0)) - initial_location).normalized()

            sphere.location += direction * min(speeds[i], distance)

            sphere.keyframe_insert(data_path="location", frame=frame)

# Function to set the number of frames

def set_frame_range(start_frame, end_frame):

    bpy.context.scene.frame_start = start_frame

    bpy.context.scene.frame_end = end_frame

# Example: set the number of frames to 1000

set_frame_range(1, 1000)

改良中 y=-30 中心 円周への球体36個

できた y= -30 中心で z=0平面移動  import bpy import math zion_collection_name = "線路レール 観察者" # コレクションを作成する col = bpy.data.collections.new(zio...