import bpy
import mathutils
# Define the coordinates of the starting point and end points
zion_ss = (0, 0, 0)
zion_ee1 = (30, 0, 0)
zion_ee2 = (30, 30, 0)
# Convert the points to vectors
vec1 = mathutils.Vector(zion_ss)
vec2 = mathutils.Vector(zion_ee1)
vec3 = mathutils.Vector(zion_ee2)
# Compute the distances between the vectors
dist1 = (vec1 - vec2).length
dist2 = (vec1 - vec3).length
zion_speed = 1
# Compute the speeds of the spheres
speed1 = zion_speed * dist2 / dist1
speed2 = zion_speed * dist1 / dist2
# Create two spheres with a radius of 1
bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_uv_sphere_add(radius=1.0, enter_editmode=False, location=vec1)
sphere1 = bpy.context.active_object
bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_uv_sphere_add(radius=1.0, enter_editmode=False, location=vec1)
sphere2 = bpy.context.active_object
# Add keyframes to the spheres to move them to the end points
for i in range(0, 101):
sphere1.location = vec1.lerp(vec2, i / 100.0) * speed1
sphere2.location = vec1.lerp(vec3, i / 100.0) * speed2
# Set the animation playback speed
bpy.context.scene.render.fps = 30
bpy.context.scene.render.fps_base = 1
bpy.context.scene.frame_end = 1000
# Play the animation
To make sure that both spheres move the same distance per frame, you can adjust the speed1 and speed2 calculations to use the larger of dist1 and dist2 instead of computing the speeds independently based on each distance.
Here's the modified code:
With this modification, both spheres should move the same distance per frame, ensuring that they finish their journeys at the same time.
import bpy
import mathutils
# Define the coordinates of the starting point and end points
zion_ss = (0, 0, 0)
zion_ee1 = (30, 0, 0)
zion_ee2 = (30, 30, 0)
# Convert the points to vectors
vec1 = mathutils.Vector(zion_ss)
vec2 = mathutils.Vector(zion_ee1)
vec3 = mathutils.Vector(zion_ee2)
# Compute the distances between the vectors
dist1 = (vec1 - vec2).length
dist2 = (vec1 - vec3).length
# Determine the larger distance
larger_dist = max(dist1, dist2)
zion_speed = 1
# Compute the speeds of the spheres
speed1 = zion_speed * larger_dist / dist1
speed2 = zion_speed * larger_dist / dist2
# Create two spheres with a radius of 1
bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_uv_sphere_add(radius=1.0, enter_editmode=False, location=vec1)
sphere1 = bpy.context.active_object
bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_uv_sphere_add(radius=1.0, enter_editmode=False, location=vec1)
sphere2 = bpy.context.active_object
# Add keyframes to the spheres to move them to the end points
for i in range(0, 101):
sphere1.location = vec1.lerp(vec2, i / 100.0) * speed1
sphere2.location = vec1.lerp(vec3, i / 100.0) * speed2
# Set the animation playback speed
bpy.context.scene.render.fps = 30
bpy.context.scene.render.fps_base = 1
bpy.context.scene.frame_end = 1000
# Play the animation